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The country had become a shell of its former self, having been scarred by continuous war since ancient times. The Heart of Ymir, which is said to be the source of mysterious power and Baphomet, possessing the power of evil; what actually happened during the history of this mysterious country?


According to legend, a war broke out among the gods. Powerful forces led to the defeat of the giant Ymir, ancestor of the gods. After his death, his heart was shattered and spread all throughout the world, pieces of what became known as the Heart of Ymir.

After the war, the old world tree burned and many mythical creatures fell along with it. The world nearly perished. Fortunately a new world tree was reborn along with new life. However, the war did not burn away the evil.


A few years passed and the demon Baphomet issued a challenge to the god Odin, who fought hard to create the world that was once destroyed. Eventually Odin defeated him by sacrificing himself to protect the peace in the world. During this time, a new city called Prontera was born.


Peace and tranquility was brought to the city, but it did not last long. Humankind's continuous development and the over-reliance on the Heart of Ymir attracted a new threat to the world. The devil Morocc invaded the world in search of the Heart of Ymir and destroyed several small countries. Not even the Odin-established city of Prontera was spared.


Morocc met his fate at the hands of Thanatos, who sealed him away in the world with the aid of seven stones. This ushered an era of peace for Humankind, but it was to be brief. Exactly when will the seal reopen? All this is unknown. Meanwhile, a group of warriors carrying their dreams and glory are about to reunite in the world of Ragnarok Online to begin a new adventure!

Novice, are you ready to save the world?
